Installation guide

Welcome to the FreeField installation guide! This guide will guide you through installing and setting up FreeField for production use.


FreeField requires a configured database backend with an account that allows creating, altering and deleting tables, and inserting, updating and deleting data, in the database that will hold FreeField data. All tables created by FreeField will use a table prefix you decide, to prevent it from interfering with tables created by other software using the same database. It is recommended that you use MySQL with FreeField.

A web server with PHP 5.6 or higher is also required. FreeField comes pre-configured for Apache. Setting up FreeField on another web server, such as nginx, may require completing additional setup steps. More information about configuring your webserver is explained in the Setting up the web server section below.


Setting up a web server with PHP is not in scope of this installation guide. However, if you are new to server hosting, there are many good guides you can follow, such as this one by DigitalOcean. You should also follow this guide from section 4 and on to learn how to control Apache and how to set up virtual hosts (which you will need for HTTPS, which FreeField strongly recommends). Finally, this guide helps you set up HTTPS for your installation, which is recommended to get the most out of your FreeField installation.

FreeField uses PDO to connect to the database backend. Please ensure that you have enabled PDO with your preferred database backend, e.g. pdo_mysql for MySQL, in your php.ini file.

Downloading FreeField

Please download the latest release from GitHub. Extract the files from the downloaded archive to the directory on the server that you wish to install FreeField to.

Rolling release

Some users may prefer installing FreeField as a rolling release directly from git. This is possible by running git clone, although installation from point releases (i.e. published packaged releases) are generally recommended for most users. The following table outlines the differences between the two installation methods.

Feature Point releases (packages) Rolling release (git clone)
Availability of new features Within anything from a few hours (alpha) to days/weeks (stable) Immediately upon push to FreeField repository
Stability Varies (alpha through stable channels) Extremely unstable (bleeding edge)
Installing new updates From web interface Requires shell access
Specifying update to install Click to select desired version Specify target hash using git checkout
Stability of update process Historically unstable, see e.g. commit d76af3a Extremely stable
Can switch release plans? Yes, can switch to rolling release; see e.g. this post Yes, can switch to point releases by deleting the .git directory in FreeField
Handling breaking changes Breaking changes listed in changelog visible before installing update Breaking changes listed on Releases page on GitHub only up to latest point release
Dependency and prerequisite checks Checked automatically before updates are applied; update halted if necessary Checked only on initial setup, not for updates

Setting up the web server


FreeField is pre-configured for Apache and does not require additional configuration. Therefore, it is generally recommended that you install FreeField under Apache.


If you are setting up FreeField for nginx, it is critical that you restrict access to some directories that should not be publicly visible.

You must deny access for everyone to this directory. It contains files that are included from elsewhere, and accessing these scripts directly can be dangerous.
You are recommended to restrict access to this directory, as it only contains documentation in reStructuredText format. This is already readily available from in a more user-friendly format.

Please check that you are not able to access these directories from the browser before you continue setting up FreeField.


If you do not deny all direct access to /includes (via e.g. deny all), any user would be able to break your entire FreeField installation beyond repair, and might even compromise the security of your server. Files in this directory contains code that is only supposed to be executed in controlled circumstances. The behavior of this code in circumstances of direct execution has not been tested.

Other web servers

No documentation currently exists for other web servers. If you have set up FreeField on a web server that is not listed above, please share your experience on GitHub so we can add it to this documentation.

Installation wizard

Once you have downloaded and extracted the FreeField archive, you may navigate to the installation path using your web browser of choice. You will automatically be redirected to the installation wizard.

Stage 1: Environment checks

This stage of the installation checks that your installation environment is suitable for FreeField. Below are a list of performed checks, and steps you may perform to correct any issues with the environment.

Encrypted connection (HTTPS)

Web browsers will restrict access to geolocation and service workers, among other things, if HTTPS is not enabled on the installation site. A lack of HTTPS on your site will result in users not being able to tap on the “my location” button on the map to locate and track their own location on the map. It will also not be possible to enable Progressive Web App functionality if HTTPS is disabled, as this depends on service workers, which do not work without HTTPS for security reasons.


If your hosting provider already offers HTTPS by default, you can try to simply load your site over HTTPS instead by changing your browser URL. Otherwise, you may have to enable HTTPS yourself. If you are running your own server, and you do not have HTTPS set up, you need to enable and configure HTTPS in your HTTP daemon’s configuration file, and allow connections to TCP port 443 (or whatever port you are running HTTPS over) through your firewall.


If you need a TLS certificate, you could use a service such as Let’s Encrypt to get one for free. For information on how to set up Let’s Encrypt, please see Let’s Encrypt’s Getting Started guide.

Installation directory writable

In order for FreeField to perform updates, it is highly recommended that you allow writing to FreeField’s installation directory. FreeField will still function without this permission, but you will not be able to install updates.


To allow writing, either change the owner of the installation directory to the user used by the HTTP daemon using e.g. chown -R http:http ., or change the file permission to allow global writes, i.e. chmod -R a+w ., in the installation directory.

Userdata directory writable
FreeField stores its configuration files and some user-submitted data in the /includes/userdata folder. This folder must be writable by the HTTP daemon. If it is not writable, make it writable, either by changing the owner of the file, or by allowing global writes, as detailed in the above section.
cURL extension loaded
cURL is used to download updates to FreeField, as well as performing user authentication. FreeField will not work without cURL. If this check fails, ensure that the PHP cURL extension is available on your system, and that it is enabled in php.ini.
gd extension loaded

If FreeField is configured to require approval of newly registered users, the user approval requirements notice page displayed to the newly registered users can be configured to display QR codes that, if scanned by an administrator, allows quickly approving the user. An approval link will be required in any case that the user can forward to an admin through some messaging service/private message somewhere.


QR codes and manual approval is explained in greater detail in Manual user approval.

openssl extension loaded
Cryptographic functions are used for various purposes in FreeField, and these functions are provided by OpenSSL. FreeField uses encryption for session cookies and sensitive data in the configuration files, as well as openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() for generating CSRF state tokens, session tokens and cryptographic keys. FreeField will not function without this extension. Ensure that it is installed and enabled in php.ini.
PharData available
PharData is used to extract updates after they have been downloaded. FreeField will still function even if PharData for some reason isn’t present, but updates will not be possible to install.

You should ensure that as many as possible of the above checks pass, as failing checks may limit the functionality of FreeField or completely prevent it from working - in the latter case, the installation wizard will not allow you to proceed with the installation. You should make the desired changes now, as some configuration defaults vary depending on the state of the checks. Apply the changes, restart the HTTP daemon for the changes to take effect, and then reload the installation wizard to ensure that the changes have been applied and that the checks are now passing.

Stage 2: Write the configuration file

This stage simply writes a configuration file with default values applied to the userdata directory. It also generates cryptographic keys for session data and sensitive configuration file entries. This step is automatic. The output from this step should be the following three checks:

  • Copied file options from template files
  • Secure storage encryption keys generated
  • Configuration file written

If any of those entries are missing, along with the Continue setup button, then something has gone very wrong, and you should check your web server error logs.

Stage 3: Database setup

In this stage, you need to set up a connection from FreeField to your database backend. Choose your database provider from the list of available providers and enter the required connection details.


The hostname of the database server.


This is typically “localhost”, “” or “::1” if MySQL is running on the same host as the web server. If you are using shared web hosting, please check your hosting provider’s settings panel for the hostname, as shared hosting providers often have dedicated SQL servers.

The port that your database runs on. In most cases, you can leave this to the default -1 to let PDO use the default port for your given database type.
The username used to access the database server.
The password used to access the database server.
The database that you wish to store FreeField data in.
Table prefix
All FreeField tables are prefixed with this string to separate it from other tables in the database. You have to specify a string here. The default prefix ffield_ works in most cases, though if you are running multiple instances of FreeField in the same database, you must select a different table prefix for each instance, so the instances do not interfere with each other.


Only MySQL has been tested and is known to be stable with FreeField. Providers marked “experimental” have not been tested and may be unstable, not work at all, or spontaneously break in the future. Use these at your own risk.


If you cannot find your database provider in the list, then you have most likely not enabled the PDO extension for your database backend in php.ini. For example, if you want to use MySQL, you must ensure that extension=pdo_mysql is defined and not commented out in php.ini. If you have enabled the extension, and the option still does not show up in the selection box, then FreeField may not support your database backend. If you wish for your database backend to be supported, you may create an issue for it on GitHub, but remember to search for existing related issues first, as others may have requested it before you.


If you use SQLite, please fill in the path to the SQLite database in the “Database” field, and fill in dummy values in all other fields.

When you are ready, FreeField will connect to the tables and set up the necessary database table structure. If everything went according to plan, the following five entries should all be checked with green check marks:

Database details are valid
If this fails, one or more provided settings may be empty or contain invalid characters. FreeField will not attempt to connect to the database if the database settings are invalid.
Configuration file updated
If this fails, then FreeField was not able to write the configuration file in the userdata directory. The userdata directory must be permanently writable in order for FreeField to function.
Connected to database
If this fails, FreeField was not able to establish a connection to the database. Please read the accompanying error message for more details, or consult the troubleshooting section below for help resolving common mistakes.
Created database structure
If this fails, FreeField was able to establish a connection to the database, but could not run the SQL queries necessary to set up the FreeField tables. Please read the accompanying error message for more details, or consult the troubleshooting section below for help resolving some common mistakes.
Stage 3 registered complete
This step saves the progress of the installation wizard to the configuration file. If this step fails, something is seriously wrong with your server, as it means the configuration file became unwritable somewhere during the database connection process. This should never happen under any circumstances.


SQLSTATE[HY000] [1044]
The authentication credentials were correct, but the database could not be connected to. Check that you did not mistype the name of the database, that the database actually exists, and that the given user has permission to access and modify it.
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045]
The provided database credentials were incorrect. Double-check the username and password you defined.
You have already set up FreeField before with these details. You can install this FreeField instance side-by-side with the other instance in the same database by changing the table prefix to some other value than the default.

Stage 4: Authentication setup

In this stage, you will be setting up authentication on FreeField. You have to set up at least one authentication provider and demonstrate that you are able to sign in to it in order to proceed to the next step. Please consult the Authentication docs for help setting up authentication with your preferred authentication provider. Once you are done setting up authentication, you will be prompted to sign in using one of the providers you set up.

All of the following checks must pass in order to continue to the next step:

Provided authentication details are valid
If this fails, then there is an invalid value in your authentication setup. Please ensure that you have correctly inserted the required values for your authentication provider according to the Authentication docs.
Configuration file written
If this fails, then FreeField failed to update the configuration file with the authentication provider settings you provided. Ensure that the userdata folder remains permanently writable.
At least one authentication provider is enabled
If this fails then you have either not enabled any of the authentication providers on the previous page using the “Enable” checkboxes, or you have enabled one or more, but there is missing information for all of them (e.g. you have enabled an authentication provider, but not provided required details, such as a client ID and/or secret). Ensure that all fields are filled in, and the “Enable” checkbox ticked off, for at least one authentication provider, then try again.
Prepared authentication challenge
If this fails, then something is seriously wrong with your server. It would indicate that within milliseconds of the configuration file being written above, someone or something prevented the configuration file from being written to again. This should never fail under any reasonable circumstances.

When you have configured an authentication provider, and all checks pass, you can proceed to sign in using the authentication provider you set up.

Stage 5: Verify authentication setup

You are automatically redirected to this stage when you click Continue setup in stage 4, and the authentication challenge is part of this step. Sign in using any available authentication provider.


If you for some reason cannot sign in using a provider, you can at any time click on Reconfigure to return to stage 4 and attempt to set up the authentication providers again. You may want to consult the Authentication docs to ensure that authentication is set up properly.

When you have signed in, you should return to the installation wizard, and all of the following checks must pass:

Authentication successful
If you can see this check, then you have already successfully authenticated. This check cannot fail.
Registered account as site administrator in database
This is handled by the FreeField authentication module, not the setup wizard. If you can see this check, then you have already been added to the database. This check cannot fail.
Configuration file updated
If this step fails, the userdata folder (or the configuration file within) is no longer writable. The userdata folder and all contents must remain permanently writable for FreeField to function.

Stage 6: Map setup

In this step, you have to set up map settings to use with FreeField. You have to choose a map provider and set it up, along with map defaults. Please consult the Map settings docs for more information on how to configure map providers.

In addition to selecting a map provider, you have to specify the default starting coordinates for FreeField. The coordinates you choose are the ones that the map will be centered on when you first launch FreeField.


It is a very good idea to pick the coordinates of a centrally located and/or easily recognizable location in the town/city you are setting up FreeField for. The default 0, 0 location is not a good location to center the map.

When you are done with stage 6, FreeField will write the map provider settings to the configuration file. The following checks should pass:

Provided map settings are valid
If this fails, there is an error in the settings you entered. Ensure that the map provider details are set up as described in the Map settings docs, and that the defaults map location you have selected are valid coordinates.
Configuration file updated
If this fails, then FreeField was unable to save the settings you just entered. The most likely cause for this is that the configuration file is not writable. The userdata directory and its contents must remain permanently writable in order for FreeField to function properly.

Post-installation steps

If all these checks passed, you have successfully completed the installation wizard and set up FreeField for use. Before you grant others access to the map, you should set up additional settings such as Geofencing, Permissions and groups, Site appearance, and then add the Pokéstops in your area to the map.


By default, FreeField allows submission of Pokéstops to the map anywhere in the world. To prevent your map from being leeched by users elsewhere, it is strongly recommended that you set up a geofence after installation that restricts the area in which Pokéstops and field research can be submitted. For more information on how to do this, refer to Geofencing.