
All configuration in FreeField is stored in includes/userdata/config.json and managed using the Config class. To import the Config class for usage in a script, the following should be placed at the top of the script file:


Settings are defined in the defs.php file. An example entry may look like this:

    The default zoom level of the map.
"map/default/zoom" => array(
    "domain" => "map",
    "section" => "default",
    "default" => 14.0,
    "option" => new FloatOption(0.0, 20.0)

The key of the array element is the path to the setting in the configuration file, and should be placed such that is grouped with other similar/related settings.

To retrieve a value from a setting, use Config::get("path/to/setting")->value(). Storing a setting is always handled using the administration pages, and should never be saved directly from code. For completeness of the documentation, however, it should be stated that the function to manually save configuration is Config::set(), taking, at minimum, an argument that is an associative array of the form "path/to/setting" => value. Please see commentary for the Config::set() function before you ever use this to learn more about how it works and the meaning of arguments that are passed to it.


Never use ->value() as part of output! See Security in FreeField for information on ->valueHTML() and other functions that should be used instead for output in order to prevent security/XSS vulnerabilities.


All setting strings are internationalized. Setting names are assigned the key setting.<path>.name, and descriptions helping the user understand the purpose of each setting are setting.<path>.desc, where <path> is the path from the key of the setting array with slashes / converted to dots . and dashes - converted to underscores _. For example, map/default/zoom are assigned the internationalization tokens for its label and for its description. Please see Internationalization for more information.

Domains and sections

Every setting in FreeField has an associated domain and section under which it should be displayed. The domain is the sub-page of the administration pages where the setting should appear. That page is further denominated by various headers called sections, which are groupings of similar or related settings. For example, the setting “Zoom level,” defining the default zoom level when viewing the map, is organized under the “Defaults” section of the “Map settings” domain.

Adding new domains

Domains always have a label (page title) and a short description (subtitle). These must be added to the localization files under the tokens admin.domain.<domain>.name and admin.domain.<domain>.desc respectively.

There are two types of domains; standard and custom domains. Standard domains have all their settings stored in the configuration definitions file defs.php, and will render these on the page. Custom domains are not from defs.php, but are instead rendered from custom output files includes/admin/<domain>.php. For example. the users domain does not refer to or host any settings in defs.php, but instead renders a list of all users of the FreeField instance in the database. This logic is handled in users.php, which is include’d to the administration page upon page load. If you are adding a new domain for usage wthin defs.php, use the standard domain type rather than custom domain.

The domain you are adding must be listed in the Config::listDomains() function. An example of such an entry:

// Map provider settings (e.g. map API keys)
"map" => array(
    "icon" => "map",
    "custom-handler" => false

custom-handler should be set to true if you are adding a custom page, or false if you are adding a standard domain. map corresponds to a FontAwesome icon that should represent the domain the administration pages sidebar.

When adding a new domain, you must also add a domain access permission setting to defs.php to restrict access to the domain by default. This permission looks like this:

"permissions/level/admin/{$domain}/general" => array(
    "domain" => "perms",
    "section" => "admin",
    "default" => PermissionOption::LEVEL_ADMIN,
    "option" => new PermissionOption()

Make sure to select a default permission level that is appropriate to the types of settings you are adding.


This commit contains an example of the “Mobile” domain being added to FreeField, along with its associated functionality and settings. You can use this as a rough template on how to implement a new domain.

Adding new sections

Like domains, sections always have a label (section header), though a description is optional. Labels use the internationalization token admin.section.<domain>.<section>.name where <domain> is the parent domain of the section.


Sections are not added to custom-type domains - they are declared directly within the includes/admin/<domain>.php output file, but they should still follow the general internationalization conventions as other settings.

A section will have a description if, and only if, the section has an entry in the SECTIONS_WITH_DESCRIPTIONS array in config.php. Please see the commentary for that array to learn how to add descriptions to sections.

When adding a new section, you must also add a section access permission setting to defs.php to restrict access to the section by default. This permission looks like this:

"permissions/level/admin/{$domain}/section/{$section}" => array(
     "domain" => "perms",
     "section" => "admin",
     "indentation" => 1,
     "default" => PermissionOption::LEVEL_ADMIN,
     "option" => new PermissionOption()

Make sure to select a default permission level that is appropriate to the types of settings that are manageable under this section.

Options and data types

Every setting is of a certain option type. Available options are declared in types.php. The option type declares the type of data that is stored for the setting, and provides parsing, storage and validation functions specific to that option type. Instructions on implementing new options are available as commentary at the top of that file.

Available option types

This is a list of all available option types in FreeField. Please add any new options you add to this list.


For storing short strings. Can be initialized with an optional regular expressions pattern via the constructor, which, if specified, will reject all strings that do not match this pattern as invalid.

Valid initializers
// Accept any string:
"option" => new StringOption()

// Using regex to e.g. only accept strings without spaces:
"option" => new StringOption('^[^\s]+$')
Valid defaults

Any string, matching the regex if provided.


For storing longer strings. Can optionally be initialized with the string "md" to display a live Markdown preview.

Valid initializers
// Plain-text paragraph input:
"option" => new ParagraphOption()

// Paragraph input with Markdown preview:
"option" => new ParagraphOption("md")
Valid defaults

Any string.


For storing passwords and other sensitive data. Stored in encrypted form in the configuration file to prevent data leakage from misconfigured HTTP servers.

Potentially unexpected behavior

This option cannot store the string oqXb_&WkMrdHtRZ_@}qBM=?WheuO6Y. This string is subject to change in the future. The reason is that this string is returned in lieu of the actual string in the configuration page when echoed to the page to give the user a visual impression that it is set to an existing value, as it will fill the input box with black dots. If this string is returned from the browser, it indicates that the input was not changed by the user, and is thus discarded.

Valid initializers
"option" => new PasswordOption()
Valid defaults

An empty string.


For storing boolean values; displayed as a checkbox with a separate label next to it.


This option requires that an additional internationalization token is declared for the label, i.e. setting.<path>.<label>. This string is displayed next to the checkbox.

Valid initializers
"option" => new BooleanOption()
Valid defaults

true or false.


For storing integers. Can be initialized with optional minimum and maximum values (both inclusive).

Valid initializers
// Accept any integer:
"option" => new IntegerOption()

// Accept an integer with a certain mininum value (e.g. 10):
"option" => new IntegerOption(10)

// Accept any integer up to a certain maximum value (e.g. 20):
"option" => new IntegerOption(null, 20)

// Accept any integer in a range from a minimum to a maximum value:
"option" => new IntegerOption(10, 20)
Valid defaults

Any integer, within the range if provided.


Similar to IntegerOption, but allows storing floating-point/decimal numbers. Can be initialized with optional minimum and maximum values (both inclusive).

Valid initializers
// Accept any number:
"option" => new FloatOption()

// Accept a number with a certain mininum value (e.g. 10):
"option" => new FloatOption(10.0)

// Accept any number up to a certain maximum value (e.g. 20):
"option" => new FloatOption(null, 20.0)

// Accept any number in a range from a minimum to a maximum value:
"option" => new FloatOption(10.0, 20.0)
Valid defaults

Any floating-point/decimal number, within the range if provided.


For selecting and storing references to a particular geofence, as defined by the user on the geofencing section of the administration pages; see Geofencing.

Running ->value() on settings of this option type will return a Geofence object instance, or null if set to “<none>” or invalid. See geo.php for implementation and usage details.

Valid initializers
"option" => new GeofenceOption()
Valid defaults



For storing one value from a list of selectable valid values. Must be initialized with an array of items and an optional data type (“string” or “int”; default is “string”).


This option requires additional internationalization tokens for each of the options in the supplied items array, i.e. setting.<path>.option.<option>. Internationalization can be suppressed by passing true to the third parameter of the constructor of this option, though this is strongly recommended against unless there is a legitimate need to have unlocalized elements in the selection box.

Valid initializers
// Accept any item from given list of items:
"option" => new SelectOption(array("one", "two", "three"))

// Specify element data type:
"option" => new SelectOption(array(24, 48, 72), "int")
Valid defaults

Any element in the provided list of options, e.g. "one" for the first example above, or 72 for the second example.


For selecting a user group; see Permissions and groups for more information. Renders as a selection box of all available groups in the FreeField installation.

Valid initializers
"option" => new PermissionOption()
Valid defaults

Any one of the following:



For selecting an installed set of Map markers. Renders as a selection box of all available marker sets in the FreeField installation. An option for “default marker set” can be added to this selection box by passing an internationalization token as argument to the constructor to indicate a string that should be displayed to label the default option. If this is not passed, no default option is provided to the user.

A preview box is displayed for the selected icon set at all times. If a default option is selected, no preview is displayed, and an empty string will be returned from this option type.

Valid initializers
// Standard marker set selection box with no "Default" option:
"option" => new IconSetOption()

// Selection box with a default option denoted by an I18N display label:
"option" => new IconSetOption("setting.path_to_setting.option.default")
Valid defaults

A globally available icon set, i.e. only "freefield-3d-compass" is currently permitted.


For uploading files to FreeField as part of the configuration. Used for e.g. the favicon. Uploaded files are stored in includes/userdata/files. The path of the setting this option is used for must be passed as the first argument. An optional array of file types and extensions can be passed, along with a maximum file size.

Running ->value() on settings of this option type will return a FileOptionValue object instance. This class is declared in types.php and has the following methods:

// The following basic file-I/O functions exist:
getExtension()             // Returns e.g. ".jpg"
getFilename()              // Returns local filename, e.g. ""
getUploadName()            // Returns origin filename, e.g. "My awesome image.png"
getPath()                  // Returns local file path, e.g. "/var/html/"
getMimeType()              // Returns MIME type, e.g. "image/png"
getLength()                // Returns file size in bytes
getUploadTime()            // Returns UNIX timestamp of time and date file was last changed

// In addition, the following functions exist to provide file integrity:
getHexEncodedSHA256()      // Returns hexadecimal-encoded SHA256 hash of file
getBase64EncodedSHA256()   // Returns base64-encoded SHA256 hash of file

// Finally, the following functions exist to read the file:
outputWithCaching()        // Sets caching headers, echoes file, then terminates
getDataURI()               // Returns file as a base64-encoded data URI
Valid initializers
// Accept any file
"path/to/setting" => array(
    /* ... other fields ... */
    "option" => new FileOption(

// Accept only image files:
"path/to/setting" => array(
    /* ... other fields ... */
    "option" => new FileOption(
            // This array is of format MIME type => default file extension.
            "image/png" => "png",
            "image/gif" => "gif",
            "image/jpeg" => "jpg"

// Accept any file up to 256 KiB:
"path/to/setting" => array(
    /* ... other fields ... */
    "option" => new FileOption(
        256 * 1024

// Accept only image files, and only up to 256 KiB:
"path/to/setting" => array(
    /* ... other fields ... */
    "option" => new FileOption(
            // This array is of format MIME type => default file extension.
            "image/png" => "png",
            "image/gif" => "gif",
            "image/jpeg" => "jpg"
        ), 256 * 1024 // Max 256 KiB
Valid defaults

An array of the following format:

"default" => array(
     "type"   => "image/png",
     "name"   => "default-file-name.png",
     "size"   => 2044,
     "sha256" => "0a330b612466ea389359db56ce93f2a5faaa89359087926335c7bcab45b539e4"

The default file must be placed in this directory. The filename must match the setting path with slashes / converted to dots .. The size and SHA-256 hash of the file must be included in the default array as indicated in the example above.


For selecting and storing an RGB color value. Displayed as a color picker, with indicators for the current values of the red, green and blue color channels for the selected color.

Valid initializers
"option" => new ColorOption()
Valid defaults

A hexadecimal color code string in the format #rrggbb.